How can you not love these wonderful girls?
Our Special CompanionsA website dedicated to the special relationships that people have with their pets – relationships that are so strong that there often are no words to adequately describe them.
Our dogs are a central part of our lives. Lucy, pictured here sleeping in the afternoon sun, was our oldest. She was the reason for this website. She was a tough old girl, but she lost the last fight. She was ready I think; however, she was taken from us too soon.
So, now we are back to having two dogs (optimal, in my opinion). The “fam” is filled out by Cola, our miniature Poodle, and Lexi, our Chihuahua mix. Cola is about ten years of age , so she’s starting to get up there.. Lexi is the youngest at 6 years of age.
Our Pets

Miniature Poodle
Senior- Alpha Female – 10 yrs old

Chihuahua mix
Adult – Female – 6 yrs old
What we offer

Follow lucy's story
Lucy died of liver cancer, we think. It may have been liver disease. Whichever it was, it was a vicious and nasty disease.

finding a vet
Through the process we’ve been through, we have learned a hard lesson: you must have a good vet that you trust.

caring for your pet
If you are going to have a pet, take care of her. Give her attention, affection, and lots of exercise. Feed them well, and keep them healthy.

selecting your pet
If you are thinking about getting a pet, how to go about it? There are many ways to go about it – here is how we have done it. Learn from us.
$35 Saves a Life
A minimal amount can save the lives of pets in Washington or other states where animals are at risk. Whether you make a monthly donation to the pet charity of your choice, or a one-time donation, your generosity will make the difference.
Adopt & Foster
To each his or her own – you’ll have to make your own decision. However, if you can find it in your heart, you will receive tremendous reward by selecting your pet from those without a forever home. Check here for some options.